The other day I was having lunch at Margitt's (the cute little Austrian cafe across the street from the Heim) and overheard part of a conversation taking place behind me...
"Yeah, I never know how to tell directions here. Back in Salt Lake it's easy 'cause there are mountains in the east and another set of mountains in the west, but here there's really nothing..."
I turned around and interrupted, "Did I just hear you say you were from Salt Lake City? That's where I'm from!" After that we chit chatted for a while..."Oh, do you know so-and-so," etc., but found no immediate connection.
I asked her, "So, are you going to school?"
"Yes," she replied, "I'm at the U."
"Hmm..." I offered, "I wonder if you'd know my sister, because she's done some work with the operas there. Do you know Shaun Ricks?"
She was quiet for a second. "Are you serious? Shaun Ricks is your sister? Oh my gosh! I taught her voice lessons...and she, like, directed the opera out there!"
She then said she could see from my smile that I was related.
Michelle's performance on Thursday's concert was spectacular. She has an enormous and expressive voice, and immediately following her last words the house erupted in thunderous applause and numerous BRAVO!s. I leaned over to the second trumpeter and whispered, "She's my sister's voice teacher."
The orchestra has been given this weekend free and everyone's been taking off to exotic locations all around Europe from Vienna, to Budpest, to the Dolomites in northern Italy. I'll be going to Salzburg bright and early (my train leaves at 5:45...and the Strassenbahn I have to take to the station leaves at 5:00) tomorrow morning and will meet up with a couple friends who are currently living in Germany for a day of sight seeing. Should be fun...and leave me with about 1000 pictures to share!
SUCH A SMALL WORLD!!! I'm so glad you got to meet Michelle. I got to meet her after the opera that Shaun assistant directed. I can't wait to see your pics from your trip and hear about your next amazing adventure. I love you!!!!!