When I reached the top, panting and sweating (man that felt good!), I was greeted by amazing views of the city and its surrounding mountains as they faded away into the distant sunset. I was a little surprised by how much smog there seemed to be. Still the view was lovely and the cool breeze made the air feel fresh.
Once you get to the top of the Schlossberg there are numerous cafes, historical buildings and displays, gardens, statues, and lots of people. If you keep wandering around the edge of the summit you end up with an almost 360 degree view of the city from above.
Here is an aerial view of that funky looking art museum I mentioned in an earlier post...
A few days ago when I told some of my colleagues how strange I thought this building was, one of the horn players remarked, "Yeah, and from above it looks like a spleen." There is certainly something uncannily organic about its form--thus the "friendly alien" nickname I guess. The building's architect Sir. Peter Cook is also the main guy in charge of designing the stadium for the 2012 Olympics in London...it will be interesting to compare the two.
And here is a view of the Graz Rathause--the main city government building...
Last night when I was looking down on the scene (and maybe you can see some of the crowd in the picture above) there was a choir singing in the Rathause square. I was surprised how well the sound of their voices carried and it was a pleasant addition to the evening's ambiance.
It's difficult to get a sense of its scale here, but the clock's face is huge. Nevertheless, the chiming of the bells every 15 minutes is surprisingly soft and mellow...like an unobtrusive and gentle reminder to the folks of the city that time is flowing, but that one needn't worry about it too much.
After visiting the Uhrturm I wandered through its surrounding gardens playing with the up-close setting on my camera. I'm actually pretty proud of this one...
Within the mountain is a series of tunnels and caves (you can see the entrance to one in middle-right-hand side of the picture) that during WWII served as an air-raid shelter for Grazers. Today the mountain's innards house an elevator to the top (1 ride for 50 cents), and a fairyland kiddie ride that one long-time AIMSer described as "It's a Small World on acid." I must say I'm quite curious about that last one!
Great fun for you!!! For me it's great fun, too and I'm so excited about the next thing you share! I hope you're well.