blows asunder cloudy veils.
The moon stands...singing.
"I take picture of you. Very beautiful. Red coat very beautiful."
I glanced at the photos. There I was, in my red jacket, lost in thought, scrawling syllables into an open planner, and totally oblivious to the fact that I was being observed.
I pointed at the moon and replied, "Thank you, but the moon is even more beautiful."
"Yes, it is." he nodded, but then insisted I look at another picture. "Red coat very beautiful. Rainbow on rock and red coat..."
Ah! Then I got it! I had been so lost in my poetic reverie that I hadn't noticed I'd been sitting on a piece of concrete decorated with a rainbow and signed by the members of a creative writing strangely appropriate.
The man said goodbye and continued walking north along the lake shore. I stumbled away a little embarrassed, but warmed to the core. It had been a perfect evening. And I was looking forward to a good practice session.
Oh that was so sweet. I wish I could see his picture. How you are loved!!!!