10:53 am: wake up (for reals this time) get a drink of water, get back in bed, and cuddle with Rob for a while.
11:12 am: make a smoothie--1 banana, 3 strawberries (frozen), 4 black berries (frozen), a handful of blueberries (frozen), a dribble of vanilla, a bit of OJ, and some milk--blend until smooth (and apologize to the neighbors under your breath for making such an ungodly racket on a Saturday morning)...get back into bed for more cuddling as you sip your smoothie.
11:26 am: pry yourself out of Rob's embrace and head back to the kitchen to make some cereal--1 cup of rolled oats, 1/2 cup of unsalted sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup of raisins, and milk...enjoy in bed as Rob dozes next to you.
11:36 am: shower, get dressed (hot little black dress? Why not:), and ready the trumpet stuff for practicing.
12:00 noon: practice--warm up to some AWESOMELY sweet high notes (go for that high F today!), kick some ass on the Plog Concerto, and paint your toenails during your practice breaks.
1:03 pm: grab the nifty hippie-ish purse that mom made for you, get in the car with Rob and drive down to the Ithaca Farmer's Market...
1:07 pm-whenever: ENJOY!!!
...load up on everything fresh and lovely (Oh yessssss!!! they have those little orange tomatoes!), and do your best to fit it all inside your massive hippie purse. Buy a compostable cup of that famous freshly-squeezed lemonade you've been craving since you were last here (more than a year ago), and snitch a bite...or two...or three...of Rob's hot-out-of-the-oven flatbread pizza...
Smile for a picture...
2:57 pm: make a grocery list of things you'll need to flesh out dinner tonight--pasta, garlic, bullion, olive oil--and to make pesto tomorrow--parmesan cheeze, pine nuts--(what else are we going to do with all that basil?) and head back down the hill to Wegmans (but not before snitching some berries on the way out the door...mmmmm!!!).
3:18 pm: wander aimlessly looking for the pine nuts until you finally give in and ask the nice young man in the green shirt where they are.
3:21 pm: wander aimlessly looking for the garlic, until you go back to the center aisle and consult that same nice young man...
3:24 pm: wander aimlessly looking for the bullion, until you have to go back and apologize to the nice young man for basically having to do ALL your shopping for you...but then at least you find the bullion.
3:32 pm: miraculously find one more interesting variety of bottled root beer for cousin Jessica's bottle cap collection: Maine Root

3:46 pm: drive home and vow that you won't buy ANY MORE FOOD for at least 3 days...well...maybe some Nutella if we run out of that.
4:15 pm: work on a blog post (I said IGNORE THE DAMN STATS PAGE!), curse about how much time you're wasting on this silly blog...and then keep writing 'cause you know you love it.
6:30 pm: finally acknowledge that you're hungry and head into the kitchen to assemble your masterpiece! Pour some olive oil in a pan, turn on the heat, chop the onions, add a generous portion of garlic, about a serving of bullion, drench with balsamic vinegar, and add slices of hot sausage. Ask Rob to take all the little stems off the tomatoes and slice them each in half until you've added the whole bunch of them to the simmering pot of savory goodness. Slice up a fresh red pepper and tear off some basil leaves...mmmm...what a smell! Let the pot stew as you cuddle with Rob sommore...
Lose track of the time...
When Rob finally admits he's hungry, put some water on to boil in a separate pot and add a little milk and water to the sauce. Toss the linguini into the boiling water and prepare a couple of plates for the impending feast.
Serve up the fresh, organic, home-made goodness and gloat--just a little--when you realize how incredible the meal turned out!
For the evening's entertainment, bring up a great episode of Star Trek TNG (Conundrum) on Netflix and savor every bite.
Finish off with a spoon-full of Nutella...well, ok, go ahead and have two BUT THAT'S IT!!!
How many hits do you get from Germany every day?
ReplyDeleteKelly you have finally arrived in "BLISS" I hope you enjoy a lengthy stay!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was one of my favorite blogs!!!
I loved this Kelly. Sounds like the perfect day!
ReplyDeleteSorry, you may not ever read this post because I'm so late in reading your blog and then posting, but next time you go to Ithaca's Farmer's market, look for a young lady selling eggs by the name of Eliza Brown. She's my niece. What a small world. I'll tell your mom more about it tomorrow at her Sunday lunch/dinner to which I've invited myself.